Reading Stint #3 - Diversity added!

Some cookbooks (already!), comics etc. With synopsis by Nandini.

Goth Girl and The Fete Worse Than Death

This story is about a girl, Ada, who fought three vampires because they were bringing upon the fete worse than death. She learns an interesting act called umbrella fencing and many other skills from her governesses in the story.

Thea Stilton - The Secret Of The Fairies

There are many fairies in this story who always keep their secrets  with themselves. There are many kinds of fairies like lake fairies, yum fairies, sad fairies etc.

The Usborne Yummy Little Cookbook

This book has many chocolatey and cake recipes. I noted down a couple from them in my notebook to try later.

The Emperor's New Clothes

This story is about a foolish emperor who was very fond of new clothes. His love for new clothes got him tricked by some frauds into selling him nothing for clothes. They always said that the clothes would be visible to only those who are smart and everyone thought they would look foolish if they said the frauds were giving nothing.

The Cat In The Hat

There were two kids, Sally and Sam, whose mother was out. A stranger, the Cat, visits them and tells them he will play games with them their mother would not know. But he makes a very big mess with the pet fish. In the end he clean up all the mess.

टिनटिन और पिकारो 

This was a hindi comic, but hindi was very difficult for me to read and understand. I will read it sometime later.

See Inside Your Head

This book has many flaps which give so much information about our mind, inside our head.


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