If I Were The Rain

The poem

If I were the rain
I would make puddles here and there
make dew on grass everywhere
I would spread mist on the windowpanes
For kids like me to scribble their names

If I were the rain
I would drop from the sky
On colourful umbrellas pleasing the eye
With me I would bring the beautiful rainbow
And if it was winters, I would bring snow

If I were the rain
I would push away the summer heat
and quench the thirst of birds on every street
I would fall into a river that would give me ride
It will take me to lovely places in its stride

But If I were the rain
I will miss pakoras made by my mother
And soaking in rain with friends together
So I and happy to be just a little girl
Giving her umbrella a tiny little swirl

Some props to go with the poem


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