Happy Janmashtami!
Who is Krishna? This coming Wednesday is Janmashtami. And what better way to celebrate it than to talk about the personality it is dedicated to. He is our beloved Lord Krishna. The sources of Krishna's stories were from the Mahabharata, Harivamsha and the Puranas. Krishna was the eighth embodiment of Lord Vishnu born to Vasudeva and Devaki, the sister of the Kamsa, the king of Mathura. One night, Kamsa heard a prophecy in the sky. The augury said that his sister's eighth child will be the cause of his death. Kamsa was furious to hear this. Kamsa slew all the children of Vasudeva and Devaki out of fear of his death. When the eighth child was born, he was named Krishna. Vasudeva took Krishna across the Yamuna River to a village called Gokula, for his protection. He was raised by Nanda and Yashoda. He had an adopted sister-Subhadra and brother-Balrama. Krishna loved playing playful pranks on others. He even played melodious tunes on his flute. His mischievousness was adored by ...